Welcome to Blue Agave Partners
Leadership for Belonging
Catalyzing leaders to align action to advance results.

Our Motivation
Now, more than ever before, creating belonging is imperative for healthy and thriving people, organizations, and communities. Blue Agave Partners works with you to identify the conditions necessary for courageous and authentic relationships that cultivate connections based on acceptance of self and others that enable aligned action. We are deeply motivated by the power of belonging as an essential factor for any meaningful social change.
"Belonging is about recognizing our deep and profound connection with each other, with the earth, and with all living creatures. [When you belong] you have the power to co-create the thing to which you belong."
-john a. powell
As part of the legacy to which I belong, I am beholden to speak out against frameworks that pit people against each other. I choose to work with others who want to be aware of the arrangements and ideas that can transform philanthropic and organizational cultures and practices that advance building communities that are healthy for all people. Central to my approach is a focus on shared priorities, strengthening aligned action, and transformational leadership at an individual and organizational level. I create spaces for people to take action in greater alignment with their values and increase their ability to effectively advance results.

Let's Meet
You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it.
Let's meet and see if together we can change the world to become better for those seven generations who are to come.
Email: raquel@leadershipforbelonging.com
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