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I stand in solidarity with Black lives by


Actively fighting anti-Blackness within myself and require that my partners as clients or as consultants do the same by continuing to educate ourselves;


Calling out and disrupting anti-Black racism;


Organizing in solidarity, specifically in the philanthropic and the social sector, to work against white supremacy through organizational culture, practices, and community engagement;


Working to have those who are most impacted at the tables to identify   the issues and the amount of funding that gets awarded to organizations led by People of Color serving the social good;


Building relationships with and between organizations and community groups led by People of Color and those who want to steward responsibly.



As a member of the human race and as part of the legacy I belong to, I am beholden to speak out against a binary frame that pits people against each other. It is my duty to work with others to deconstruct, reimagine, and redesign philanthropic culture and practices that harm communities of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian-American, and non-racialized communities that are marginalized or disinvested (e.g., women, LGBTQ, differently-abled). Central to my approach is to harness discomfort as a catalyst for meaningful transformation.  It is my values and my vocation to create spaces for people to transform and transition how they show up in the world that steadies me in turbulent times.

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